Removing Superfluous Versions in Polyvariant Specialization of Prolog Programs
LNCS 3901 - Springer (Revised Selected Papers).2006 Vol. 1. Nº 1 Páginas: 80-97.ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-540-32654-0. C. OCHOA, G. PUEBLA
Agilizando el Proceso de Producción de Software en un Entorno CMM de Nivel 5
Revista IEEE América Latina. Vol. 3. Nº 1 Páginas: 1-8. ISBN/ISSN: 1548-0992. P. Maller, C. Ochoa, J. Silva
Specification in RSL of Timed Petri Nets using Clocks
Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. Vol. 5. Nº 1 Páginas: 185-199. ISBN/ISSN: 1472-7978. R. Uzal, D. Riesco, G. Montejano, G. Vilallonga
A Tool for JSP persistent classes
Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. Vol. 5. Nº 1 Páginas: 81-92. ISBN/ISSN: 1472-7978. A. Garis, C. Albornoz, D. Riesco, G. Montejano.
Object oriented Metrics Applied to Unified Process Models
Special Issue of the JOURNAL of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering. 2004. Riesco, Daniel Edgardo / German Montejano / et al.
Designing a particular balanced scorecard to manage a very important Hydroelectric project
Special Issue of the JOURNAL of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering. 2004. Uzal Roberto / Riesco, Daniel Edgardo / German Montejano / et al.
Software Configuration Management in a Parallel Development Environment
International Journal of Computers and Applications. 2004. Vol. 26. Nº 2 Páginas: 75-82.Código ISSN:1206-212X. Uzal Roberto / Riesco, Daniel Edgardo / German Montejano / et al.
Formalization of the Balanced Scorecard Implementation Viewed as Project Plan
Information, An International Interdisciplinary Journal. 2004. Vol. 7. Nº 1 Páginas: 75-82. ISSN:1343-45001344-8994. Uzal Roberto / Riesco, Daniel Edgardo / German Montejano / et al.
Guidelines For Applying XP@SCRUM In a CMM Level 5 Organization
AGILE TIMES NEWSLETTER. 2003. Vol. 2. Páginas: 23-30. Ochoa Claudio Julio Gabriel / et al.
Using Business Process Reengineering to obtain a Raise Specification
Journal of Computer Science & Technology. 2002. Vol. 2. Páginas: 21-27. Uzal Roberto / Riesco, Daniel Edgardo / German Montejano / et al.
Using UML class diagram for Raise applicative specification
ACIS International Journal of Computer & Information Science. Vol. 3. Páginas: 84-93. ISBN/ISSN: 1525-9293. D. Riesco, G. Montejano, A. Dasso, A. Funes, R. Uzal.
Formalizing the Balanced Scoredcard Domain
ACIS International Journal of Computer & Information Science. December 2002, Vol. 3, Nº 4, ISSN 1525-9293. G. Montejano, R. Uzal, D. Riesco, N. Debnath.
The LSP Method Applied to Human Resources Evaluation and Selection
COMPUTER SCIENCE & INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. 2000, Vol. 3, Páginas: 84-93, ISBN/ISSN: 1525-4372. Dasso, Aristides Juan/ Funes Ana Maria / Montejeno, German Antonio / Riesco, Daniel Edgardo / Uzal, Roberto