Publicaciones en Capitulos de Libros
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Information Resources Management Association, Idea Group Inc.
Año de publicación 2005.
En venta en
ISBN/ISSN 1-59140-553-X.
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Volume I-V
Capítulos y Autores:
Capítulo : "Integrating Requirements Engineering Techniques and Formal Methods".
Autores: V. Mauco, D. Riesco.
Capítulo: "Stereotypes: the base for Extensions to UML".
Autores: D. Riesco, M. Daniele, D. Romero, G. Montejano.
Capítulo: "Reuse of Formal Specifications".
Autores: L. Felice, D. Riesco.
Capítulo: "Formal Methods in Software Engineering"
Autores: Aristides Dasso y Ana Funes.
Liliana Favre (Editor), IRM Press.
Idea Group Inc. (IGI), 701 E. Chocolate Avenue Suite 200, Hershey, PA 17033, USA.
Año de publicación 2003.
En venta en
ISBN 1931777446.
e-ISBN 1-931777-60-8.
Páginas: 300(s/c)
UML and the Unified Process
Wiht increasing popularity of the Internet, electronic commerce and enterprise applicacions, UML and the Unified Process has been dedeveloped to focus on unified modeeling language ( UML ), unified Process ( UP ) and other information modeling methods and methodologies, and involves conceptualtheoretical,develoment and empirical issues. This title parcticularly focuses on research relted to UML and UP in reference of the analysis, deesing and dedveloment of web-bases and enterprise applications.
Capítulos y Autores:
Capítulo XIV : "Extension to UML Using Stereotypes".
Autores: D. Riesco, G. Montejano, P. Martelotto.
Capítulo XV : "An Extension to UML Activity Graph from Workflow".
Autores: D. Riesco, G. Montejano, Edgardo Acosta.
Capítulo VIII : "Formalizing UML Class Diagram".
Autores: A. Funes, C. George.
Joan Peckham, Scott Lloyd (Editors - University of
Rhode Island, USA).IRM Press.
Idea Group Inc. (IGI), 701 E. Chocolate Avenue
Suite 200, Hershey, PA 17033, USA.
Año de publicación 2003.
En venta en
ISBN 1-931777-50-0.
e-ISBN 1-931777-66-7.
Páginas: 300(s/c)
Practicing Software Engineering in the 21 st Century
Over the last decades, computer systems have required increasingly complex software develoment and maintenance support. the marriage of software engineering, the application of engineering principals to produce economical and reliable software, to software development tools and methods promised to simplify software development while improving accurancy and speed, tools have evolveed that generate code from integrated dedesing specifications. Practicing Software Engineering in the 21 st Century addresses the tools and techniques utilized when developing and implementing software engineering practices into computer systems.
Capítulos y Autores:
Capítulo II : "Petri Nets with Clocks for the Analytical Validations of Business Process" .
Autores: G. Vilallonga, D. Riesco, G. Montejano, R. Uzal.
Capítulo VI : "A Rigorous Model for RAISE Specification Reusability".
Autores: Laura Felice, D. Riesco.